The Bhojpuri movie ‘Dil Hai Ki Manta Nahi’ is a romantic action film starring Rakesh Mishra, Viraj Bhatt, Anjana Singh, Tanushree Chatterjee in the lead roles’. Along with them Sanjay Pandey, Ayaz Khan, Brijesh Tripathi and others are also in the important roles. The movie revolves around a family who looses all his land to save the child from the very major disease and then the protagonist decides to go to Patna and earn alot to get the land backand in the ongoing story he steals lord Krishna’s gold statue but there are other people who also wanted the same and brings a new story in the movie. Viraj Bhatt is playing a role of police-man. The film is made beautifully and even the sons are melodious. Watch DIL HAI KI MANTA NAHI Full Bhojpuri Movie below.

भोजपुरी की नए फिल्मे यहाँ देखें

Bhojpuri film DIL HAI KI MANTA NAHI has almost all sorts of entertainment spices to entertain the audience. The film has good scripts with no vulgarity which makes this film watchable with the entire family. Directed by Ajay Jha ‘Dil Hai Ki Manta Nahi’ is produced by Vijay Kumar Pandit, Mithun Saha, Prem Shankar Patak. Art is desined byBhaskar Tiwari while graphics designed by Indradev Yadav and Sandesh Ambule. The lyricists of this film is Pyare Lal, Arvind Tiwari and Rakesh Verma while the songs are musically composed by Om Jha. Rakesh Mishra, Kalpana, Khushboo Jain, Om Jha and others have lent their voice to its songs.

DIL HAI KI MANTA NAHI Full Bhojpuri Movie


StarCats: Rakesh Mishra, Viraj Bhatt, Anjana Singh, Tanushree Chatterjee, Sanjay Pandey, Ayaz Khan, Brijesh Tripathi, Sanjay Verma.

Banner : Balaji Entertainment
Producer: Vijay Kumar Pandit, Mithun Saha, Prem Shankar Patak.
Director: Ajay Jha
Lyrics: Pyare Lal, Arvind Tiwari and Rakesh Verma
Music Director : Om Jha
Singers: Rakesh Mishra, Kalpana, Khushboo Jain, Om Jha and others
Music On : Worldwide Records

भोजपुरी के नए गानों के लिए – यहाँ देखें 

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