In 1992 Bollywood director Raju Kanwar directed LAADALA with Anil Kapoor and ShriDevi . The film was super-duper hit in the Bollywood industry. This film was based on the love story of a poor guy Anil Kapoor and and the factory owner ShriDevi. Anil lives with his disabled mom who loves her much but because of some revenging situation Anil gets marries with ShriDevi by a trick played by the businessman daughter. The Bhojpuri movie Mai Re Mai Hamara Uhe Laiki Chahi Full Movie is very much similar to this plot.
भोजपुरी के नए फिल्म यहाँ देखें
Pradeep Pandey (Chintu) works in a factory in Gujrat where in one of the speeches the lady (daughter of owner) says that She hates poor’ where Chintu slaps her with his wittiness and gradually she traps him in her love to revenge. The poor guy gets trapped in the woven net of the riches and the struggles begins to make his life more beautiful and meaningful.
Mai Re Mai Hamara Uhe Laiki Chahi is a romantic-action film where the environment of economy gets dissolved and eliminates the false the ego of being rich. Watch Mai Re Mai Hamara Uhe Laiki Chahi Full Movie below.