Directed by Santosh Mishra, the Bhojpuri film Border is one of the most appreciated regional movies in recent time. The film has Dinesh Lal Yadav ‘Nirahua’ and Amrapli Dubey in lead roles. Watch BORDER Full Bhojpuri movie online below.
निरहुआ की सुपरहिट फिल्म बॉर्डर : फुल फिल्म नीचे देखें
Watch BORDER movie songs Here
The movie is a patriotic film based on India and Pakistan relation. The protagonist Abhay Shastri (Dinesh Lal Yadav ‘Nirahua’) is a son of farmer who joins Indian army and gets prepared for saving the country from the wrong-doers. The director has beautifully mixed love in the warefare film. Abhay loves his neighbour Nagma, a Muslim girl and wants to get married with her while he is a Brahman. But this inter-cast love does not get tolerated by his family and the society and there a social war begins which the director has beautifully crafted the situation. This is a complete action film where all the actors have enjoyed their respective roles. The movie is worth to watch and full of entertainment. You can Download Border Bhojpuri Movie Videos here.
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This is a big budget Bhojpuri movie in recent time where new technologies were used. The film has many talented actors like Dinesh Lal Yadav “Nirahua”, Aamrapali Dubey, Pravesh Lal Yadav. Shubhi Sharma, Vikrant Singh, Sushil Singh, Awdhesh Mishra, Sanjay Pandey, Aditya Ojha, Gaurav Jha, Vijay Lal Yadav, Vishal Singh, Avinash Dwivedi, Ansuman Rajput, Manoj Tiger, Kajal Yadav, Ananya Mishra, Richa Dixit , Kiran Yadav etc.
पवन सिंह की आनेवाली देशभक्ति फिल्म ‘मां तुझे सलाम’ का ट्रेलर यहाँ देखें
निरहुआ की सुपरहिट फिल्म बॉर्डर
BORDER Full Bhojpuri movie online
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२०१८ की रोमांटिक-एक्शन फिल्म ‘वीरो के वीर’ का ट्रेलर यहाँ देखें
Border Movie Songs”
दीवानी भईल नगमा निरहुआ के प्यार में — यहाँ सुने
मिले के सजनिया से मन बड़ा करे — यहाँ सुने
सिया जी के राम — यहाँ सुने