Well known stage comedian Sidharth Jadhav has stepped up from comedian to the leadc actor in the Bhojiwood industry. His upcoming Bhojpuri movie AANDOLAN is an action film where he will be seen in the role of police inspector. Sidharth is another protagonist in this film with Bhojpuri superstar Ravi Kishan.
की आनेवाली फिल्मो के ट्रेलर – यहाँ देखें
भोजपुरी की आनेवाली फिल्मों के ट्रेलर – यहाँ देखे
Bhojpuri film AANDOLAN is written and directed by Herry Farnandes. Under the banner of Vasan Arts Media Pvt. Ltd. this film has Ravi Kishan , Sidharth Jadhav , Anant Yog , vijay Chaturwedi , Naina Aapte , Kashmeera Kulkarni , Henmagini Kaj , Dipali Sayyad in prominent roles.
AANDOLAN Movie Trailer
Though Sidharth Jadhav is a well known figure for the Bollywood and was seen in couple of Hindi movies in small roles especially as comedian. But this time he got an opurtunity to work with Bhojpuri superstar Ravi Kishan. After Bhojpuri Movie SANKI DAROGA which was Ravi Kishan’s home production Ravi is giving technical training tips to Sidharth for Bhojpuri cinema.
सुपरस्टार रवि किशन की फिल्मे – यहाँ देखे
पवन सिंह की सुपरहिट फिल्मे. – यहाँ देखे
खेसारी लाल के भोजपुरी फिल्म व गाने – यहाँ देखे
निरहुआ के भोजपुरी फिल्म और गाने – यहाँ देखे
Watching this action trailer none can say that Sidharth Jadhav is new to Bhojpuri industry. The way he fights and delivers his dialogue in Bhojpuri he seems to be a well trained. This Bhojpuri film Aandolan is being produced by Mrs. Laxmi Babaji , Anjarlekar & Sanjay Gopal Chhabria. The film does not sound melodious but still there are few songs which are written by Rakesh Singh and composed by Gunwant Sen.
Aandolan Movie Star Casts and Crew
Star Cast :- Ravi Kishan , Sidharth Jadhav , Anant Yog , vijay Chaturwedi , Naina Aapte , Kashmeera Kulkarni , Henmagini Kaj , Dipali Sayyad & Other
Writter :- Herry Farnandes
Lyrics :- Rakesh Singh
Music :- Gunwant Sen
Action :- RP Yadav
Director :- Herry Farnandes
Producer :- Mrs. Laxmi Babaji , Anjarlekar & Sanjay Gopal Chhabria
Banner :- Vasan Arts Media Pvt. Ltd.
काजल रघ्वानी के सबसे ज्यादा देखे जानेवाले गीत – यहाँ देखे
अक्षरा सिंह की फिल्म