Khesari Lal and Akshara Singh starring newly released Bhojpuri film Dilwala is a family drama. The film revolves around the relationship between father and their three children. A father who sells his all belongings to fulfill his dream that he dreamed for his children.But it is too difficult to understand for the new generations until they get trapped in their own woven net. But parents are, after all parents they cannot see their children crying and they do accept their children ignoring pain which children often offer.
Khesari the third and youngest child of his father is very amicable and not good in his study. He tries to console and wants to take all misery of his parents when his two elder brother has left the house to live with their own families. The protagonist even tries to sacrifice his love (Akshara Singh) for the family. But the father understands the agony of the lover and wants them to get united even all ups and down and wins finally. The other two also understand the value of family and parents.
The film is a must watch film at least for the new generation to bridge the generation gap. Satish Jain’s direction is good and recalls the Amitabh Bachchan’ Baghban. Though the story is not just a copy-paste but the plot of the movie is based on the father-child relation. It would not be an exaggeration to say that our society must ponder about this very basic issue of unitary family system. ‘Kawan Bhatar Katni’ one of the best viewed songs of this movie is beautifully written by Pawan Pandey and composed by Ghungharu Ji.
‘Bhojpuri Films’ gives 3.5 star out of 5.
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