Bhojpuri superstar Pawan Singh once again proves his talent in the newly released Bhojpuri movie CHALLENGE. Under the banner of Yashi Films this movie has written and directed by Satish Jain.
Movie Plot : Challange is a political cum family drama. Munna Shukla(Raj Premi) a don and murderer of Vaishali wants to taste the power of politics and files his nomination against Raghuweer Singh(Ehsaan Khan) an honest leader and four time MLA. And finally the election results gets announced and Raghuweer Singh wins but Munna Shukla is unable to digest his defeat and he kills the secertory of MLA whom he had given bribes to win the election. CBI enquiry starts with his murder. Samar (Pawan singh) a robust college going student lives with his mom and a sister decides to go to Vaishali to meet his father and live with him. Samar is a son of Raghuweer Singh’s first wife. Because of his political career Singh does not live with his first wife. Amar (Samir Aftab) another child of Singh is too vigorous college student and unknown to Samar induges in fight with Samar. In the college ragging Amar loses his heart to Munni (Shivika Diwan).Though, Challange is theatre artist Shivika Diwan’s debue and she really has done well in this movie. On the side, Telgu and Tamil actress Madhu Sharma loves Samar. After college Samar joins Indian Police and Madhu Sharma one time rejected in love by Samar also joins Indian Police gets the same Police station in her first posting and finally gets her love.
The story is “Ghisa-Pita” normally a bollywood type where A Gunda comes in picture and tries to destroy the family or love. Here the director has given the priority to destroy the family instead of love. challange is ont time watchable movie where you don’t have to use your brain to learn any new thing. There is nothing new in this movie except the little bit acting and few songs. Lyricists Pyare Lal Yadav,Manoj Matlabi and Shyam Dehati have written the movie songs where as the music is given by Chote Baba,Govind Ojha and Pankaj Tiwari. Raj Premi in Gunda role is upto the mark. Ehsaan Khan proves his acting talent he has really played the role of a father and an MLA. Shivika Diwan as new comer will really go forward in the Bhojpuri cinema. ‘Aara Ke Awaara’ is very famous song but ‘Hata Ae Haseena'(Pawan Singh & Honey Bee ,Manoj Matlabi) and “Pyar Izahaar Kari”(Pawan Singh & Khushaboo Jain) can be considered the melodious one. The location and screen play is good. It seems the director has given more importance to location rather than story.
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Sir, Thankyou so much.
Found only website for Bhojpuri Films’ reviews and ratings. Good Job